速報APP / 教育 / DBIA Rocky Mountain App

DBIA Rocky Mountain App



檔案大小:7.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


DBIA Rocky Mountain App(圖1)-速報App

What is DBIA?

Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) is a membership organization that was founded in 1993 to advocate and advance single-source project delivery within the design and construction community. The Rocky Mountain Region of the DBIA was founded in 2002 to focus on this objective throughout Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. The design-build method of project delivery embraces architecture, engineering, and construction services under a single contract, thereby re-integrating the roles of designer and constructor. The DBIA Rocky Mountain Region’s members include practitioners from all project phases, as well as public and private sector project owners. The DBIA works to disseminate best practices by hosting and conducting educational programs and conferences throughout the year. In addition, within the Rocky Mountain region, the organization supports research and education focused on the design-build process through its annual design-build award contest for collegiate chapters.


DBIA will be the industry’s preeminent resource for LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION, OBJECTIVE EXPERTISE and BEST PRACTICES for the successful integrated delivery of capital projects.


DBIA Rocky Mountain App(圖2)-速報App

To bring owners, practitioners, and support businesses together to promote successful integrated design-build project delivery through education, membership involvement, public outreach, legislative action, and regulatory reform throughout the Rocky Mountain Region.


Excellence in integrated design-build project delivery, producing high value outcomes, through teamwork.

An environment of trust characterized by integrity and honest communication.

Mutual respect for an appreciation of diverse perspectives and ideas.

A commitment to innovation and creativity to drive quality, value, and sustainability.

Professionalism, fairness and the highest level of ethical behavior.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad